Are door knockers alike with spammers and sales pitchers?

By Brian Baulch | Blog

Jul 12

How do you see door knockers, sales pitchers and junk mail senders (snail mails) be in the social networking, instant messaging, email sending and online networking? Well we see spams or spammers like the offline door knockers at times.

The other day we had door knockers on our door. We answered not this time since we are busy people (shift-workers) like others, we were not in the mood for any fancy talk or even if someone was going to give me something for free; the door knocker did say he wanted to help us with the service the company he was representing with free advice and consultation.
Well what are we missing? Are we missing the boat all together? Are we crazy out of my mind? Should we have been locked up in jail by government officials for not accepting an offering honest help?

We think not, no matter how honest these door knockers may have been in their heart and thoughtfulness to really help us; he lacked the most vital one ingredient for me in life! We had no relationship with the door knockers neither alone banging our electric box to catch our attention that put us off more about 8:30PM non-day light saving time. (Sometimes it’s wise not to answer the door for security reasons these days especially at dark nights)!

If he or another door knockers had smiled at me and thanked me for my time just for opening the door but just didn’t stop there really wanting to help;  they would have followed up with us say every month if we were busy and leave a nice personalized greeting card in the mail.

If by chance we were gardening or lawn mowing on our front yard while a door knocker arrived and offered to give a hand that would suggest to us beyond sales pitching than be a true friend. That door knocker wants to be involved in our life because he/she had taken time to step out of their comfort zones is/are willing to develop a true relationship with us or their clients as a person not a mere buyer per se.

Our opinion towards the door knocker could have had a chance to have our full attention by showing us a friendly approach like we have found with many spammers, sales pitchers, or even online social network marketers of similarities at times.
How about you? What would a door knocker have to do to get your engagement and trust level so they may offer some helpful service or product for free? Have you had a door knocker pursued you over time and did you find them helpful for you no matter how you reacted as they built relationship with you? Did they go the extra mile to pursue friendship?

Looking forward to what you have to say about your door knocker experiences and how they are compared to an online spammers or sales pitchers in your life.

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